EU Tells TikTok To Do Better To Help Keep Users Safe Online As New Digital Rules Take Center Stage

TikTok is undoubtedly one of the world’s leading social media platforms. But with that comes plenty of controversy.

One was linked to the app having ties with Chinese government officials and sharing data owned by US citizens without their permission. But now, we’re hearing more news regarding the EU and how it wants the app to do more to keep its users safe online.

The news comes from an unnamed but top authority in the region who claims that the news arose after a stress test took place in Dublin recently and that’s where the company was called out for not doing enough.

The EU feels there is plenty of room for change and improvement to attain the status of being totally ready for the new set of digital rules that are soon to arrive.

The DSA would come into play by next month and for that, the company really needs to pull up its socks if it wishes to continue with operations in the popular region.

It’s great to see how TikTok’s top brass is more than ready to hear the EU out and would love to implement the changes that it’s being asked to do. One TikTok executive added how his firm holds true to all of its professional commitments and would ensure things are done with complete accuracy and transparency while taking full accountability for their actions along the way too.

The Digital Services Act is going to come into play by the end of next month and a lot of social media apps including TikTok know that there is never enough that could be done in terms of preparations because that’s just how stringent the rules and regulations happen to be here.

The new law would see firms taking action against things like hate speech, misinformation, and also other kinds of things such as illegal content across the website. It similarly assisted in making cities like Brussels a leader in terms of taking action against all big names in the tech world who failed to go by its aligned policies.

To assist firms better prepare, officials in the EU have decided to put out stress tests to judge the readiness at stake. In the past month, the app conducted its first stress test at its headquarters and that’s where it was observed how plenty of work needs to be done as it’s not quite there.

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