Twitter Cofounder Jack Dorsey Calls Out Elon Musk For His Poor Management Of The App

Jack Dorsey recently left no stone unturned while speaking during a recently held interview for a YouTube channel.

The Twitter cofounder was asked to reflect on the company’s current CEO and how he felt he did in terms of managing the app. And that’s when Dorsey went full throttle in terms of how he felt about Musk’s poor decision-making.

He similarly revealed how this was not something that he anticipated but it’s clear that Musk lacked good management capabilities that would assist in steering the company in the right direction.

This came alongside a special mention of how most of the features that Musk unveiled in recent times for the app were just rushed and not something that was necessary at this moment in time.

And while the tech billionaire might be the world’s number one user of the popular microblogging website, he showed reckless behavior across the board.

In the initial interview provided by the cofounder of Twitter since he last resigned from his leading position, other topics were also spoken about during his interview. This includes what he felt about the app supporting Robert Kennedy Jr. for his stance in taking part in the current elections. In the same way.

At the same time, he was asked about how he felt about the dangers linked to Artificial Intelligence too. And last but not least, the hosts of the channel wanted his verdict on Elon Musk of course.

Dorsey also mentioned how he had requested the world’s second richest person come on board as a member of Twitter several times and that was the point in time that he whispered to him how he was interested in purchasing the firm.

It was a mighty deal and a lot of people were expecting a lot of things from Elon Musk but what they were not ready for was the rapid influx of changes and firing sprees that were to come their way including firing more than half of the workforce and bringing changes that were questionable.

As far as whether or not he felt positive about him taking charge, well, that’s a whole new story, to begin with. Musk has always been keen on using the app and Dorsey feels that if there’s one person that knows it inside out, it’s him. And as a technologist, he appeared to be the right fit.

But at the same time, a lot of his decisions were unjustified and rushed, he adds.

Read next: Twitter Decides To Share Revenue With Creators For Ads Seen In Tweet Replies
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