These Microsoft Documents Reveal Company’s Plans for Cloud Based Windows 11

Windows 11 marked the latest in series of successful OS launches for Microsoft, and it seems like the tech juggernaut has a plan to take the entire OS to the cloud with all things having been considered and taken into account. This comes from documents released as part of the recent court case between Microsoft and the Federal Trade commission, and it reveals just how big a priority this is for the tech corporation.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the company has already made a foray into cloud based computing with Microsoft 365, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, taking Windows 11 entirely to the cloud is a different matter entirely. Such a change might prove useful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing people to use the advanced OS even if they have subpar tech.

Microsoft 365 is currently only geared towards enterprise grade consumers, but it appears that the company will be adopting a more consumer centric approach in the future. This will make it far easier for regular consumers to gain access to Windows 11 than might have been the case otherwise.

In Microsoft’s own words, the company seeks to become a “global computer” of sorts, and it will be interesting to see how much success they are able to obtain in that respect. However, some consumers might be concerned that they would be forced to pay regular fees in order to be able to access the OS.

What’s more, consumers will no longer be able to disconnect their PCs since this would mean disconnecting from the OS itself. Such issues could make it tricky for Microsoft to reach these lofty ambitions, although since these are long term goals, the company will likely be able to find a number of workarounds for them. Microsoft has not spoken out about these documents, so it is clearly keeping these plans as close to the vest as it possibly can at this point.

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