New Tweet Raises Questions Over App’s Metrics After Achieving 1.3 Billion Views

The thought of a Tweet on the Twitter platform reaching 1.3 billion views sounds surreal to some but what if we told you that it’s become a reality in recent times.

One Twitter user claims their historical prompt released on the app managed to get over one billion views last week. But it’s going to take plenty of convincing from the masses to make them believe something of this sort.

People are not feeling that this is accurate and hence are questioning which system is getting used for the sake of metrics.

Today, 8 billion individuals live all over the globe and some of the app’s metrics aren’t quite fitting into the picture. That’s especially true when the follower who posted the meme that got so much attention has just 11,000 followers.

For those curious about which post managed to get this much attention in no time, well, it was a query that stated, to name a historic battle that is popular but without using Google’s assistance.

When such a tweet overcame the billion-view record last week, we saw the user speak about celebrating through some great quality champagne and such an act was necessary because the chances of something like this occurring again are close to none.

Another user went about questioning tech billionaire Elon Musk about what he felt during the ordeal. There is just no way for one billion views, even if your platform is taking one viewer as several people, added another.

Less than 25k likes were received and 1.3 billion views, certainly it’s a little fishy, and people are questioning the metric for obvious reasons.

Even leading socialite Kim Kardashian just got a million views when she tweeted through her account a small hello to her online family. So if this user has managed to overcome Kim’s popularity as well, then, we don’t know what to say.

Before we knew it, one reader mentioned how to tweet views aren’t actually unique. And therefore, one person could be held accountable for several views, when and if they’re scrolling through the app on several occasions.

The Twitter author whose tweet got the fame has yet to respond on the matter and she’s getting plenty of DMs, which is why she’s put her alerts at a stop. For now, the platform is also reserving its comments regarding any change in the policy on how the firm interacts with people in public, including media outlets.

But as one can imagine, the topic is interesting and people have the right to question the behavior of metrics on Twitter after this.

Read next: Twitter Tests Two-Column Timeline, Sparking Mixed Reactions from Users
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