Find Your Cybersecurity Animal: Are You a Hawk, Lion, Ostrich, Bull, or Possum?

Are you an eagle-eyed hawk or a meek possum when it comes to cybersecurity? According to a recent survey conducted by Keeper Security, your password management approach can determine which of these animals you are.

Keeper Security surveyed 8,000 people in the US, UK, France, and Germany about their views on passwords and cybersecurity practices. The results revealed five distinct categories – hawk, lion, ostrich, bull, and possum – that best describe people's attitudes toward passwords and online security.

The "hawk" is the most vigilant of the bunch. Hawks have vital password hygiene; they use different passwords for each account and update them regularly. They also use two-factor authentication whenever possible and are aware of potential phishing scams.

Security Hawks are often praised for their strong and secure passwords; overconfidence can lead to problems, as almost 40% of self-proclaimed Hawks admit they don't know if their passwords have been compromised.

The "lion" is confident in their approach to password management but may not be as diligent as the hawk. Lions keep track of their passwords but don't always change them as often as they should. They aren't aware of all the threats but still take basic steps to protect themselves online. Security Lions may claim to manage their passwords well, but only a third use strong passwords for all their accounts. Therefore, it's recommended to consider a password manager.

The "ostrich" falls somewhere in between lions and hawks when it comes to password management. Ostriches tend to be forgetful regarding passwords; they don't keep track of them or update them often enough. They recognize some potential risks but lack the knowledge to stay secure online.

The "bull" is overly confident regarding cybersecurity; they think they know more than they do and fail to take even basic steps, such as setting up two-factor authentication or using unique passwords for each account. If you're a Security Bull and use the same simple password for all your bills, take a moment to strengthen and vary them.

Finally, the "possum" is the least informed among all five categories – they don't know much about cybersecurityand lack basic knowledge about how to stay safe online. If you're a Security Possum, you must take action once you learn of a compromised password.

The survey asked participants to choose an animal identity that best represented their cybersecurity persona. Surprisingly, those who classified themselves as powerful predators, like hawks and lions, failed to observe crucial safety practices.

Key findings showed alarmingly low numbers for fundamental security protocols, including utilizing strong passwords (only 28% of respondents), refraining from sharing personal information online (just 19%), enabling two-factor authentication (19%), investing in antivirus software (11%), considering a best practice for cybersecurity (9%), utilizing password managers (7%), and updating software (7%). Don't miss out on these critical cybersecurity tips that everyone should know.

So which category do you fall into? Look at your password management practices today and find out if you're a hawk, lion, ostrich, bull, or possum!

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