Concerning Research Proves How China’s Search Engine Censorship Rules Are Negatively Impacting Users Outside The Country

China has been famous for its censorship rules and this type of news is not something new.

But a recent research study has gone into detail to prove how the country’s stringent rules and regulations are negatively impacting those located outside the nation.

Today, this matter is a topic of hot discussion and thanks to a leading cybersecurity firm called Citizens Lab, nearly 60,000 rules are set out for Chinese citizens to ensure complete control of online content on such search engines and various other media sites.

This might be doing so much more harm than good for those present out of the country as per this report. A total of eight leading search engines working in the nation were taken into consideration for the research as firms continued to analyze how Microsoft Bing, Sogou, Baidu, Weibo, Douyin, Bilibili, and Baidu Zhidao were performing.

As you can tell, out of those eight, the only non-Chinese of the lot was Microsoft Bing.

Such search engines like Bing ended up producing algorithms that were so hard to censor that included a range of politically sensitive content that was provided with results like ‘no results’ or ‘limited content’.

So most of the results coming out are only those approved by the government or companies that received direct approval from the government. And as expected, the content censored is religious, historical events, political events like protests, and other sensitive material. This also includes content linked to porn, drug use, selling weapons, and gambling as well.

This method measures search censorship and entails testing huge text bundles for censorship and even triggers more censors.

The firm also makes use of search queries called truisms that you can have a huge number of search results for if it’s not censored and in case it is, there would be zero. The term is the name given to new kinds of search operators that use the platforms to attain support. And such search platforms provide search results that entail one string or another.

This study also proved how much search platforms entail a huge chunk of content moderation. For instance, look at Google. It might end up delisting so many websites or web pages that have illegal content that’s hard to gain entry to in a specific nation or a particular region.

The conclusion was that people outside the country would be impacted more than those inside China.

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