Which Types Of Articles Generate The Most Organic Traffic? This New Research Unveils It All

In case you did not already know, the world of content marketing is trending more now than ever. And 2023 is the year to look out for some important trends and benchmarks.

Thanks to this new study conducted by SEMRush that ended up surveying 1700 different marketers and owners of various businesses, we’ve got an entire collection of data at our disposal.

Today, it’s all about putting out information that manages to grab the reader’s attention. Only then can you succeed in building up more views as organic traffic is headed in your direction.

But which articles are making the most profit online? This new report has the answer. So let’s not waste any more time and get right into it.

As per the responses recorded by those who undertook the survey, there are several factors that many deemed to be important in contributing to content marketing success.

Among those, most of them claimed that researching the target audience was the biggest contributor, closely followed up by the likes of SEO and publishing content more frequently without too much delay.

44% claim great quality and content with added value really made a difference while 42% mentioned how keeping content relevant and up to date really boosted its value. 41% held competition to be an integral factor and knowing what archrivals are up to is important when planning a successful strategy. Lastly, 40% felt that the right visual and video content ended up playing a pivotal role in posts too.

This year is all about keeping your budget and finances in check. Therefore, successful content marketing can be done with the right budget in mind, as per respondents’ views. And once you’ve nailed that part, it’s time to see which article is trending in terms of getting the greatest amount of organic traffic.

Articles that revolve around the theme of discussing "everything you need to know" are leading the pack. On average, they generate 665 monthly organic traffic which is bigger than all others.

Next in line are Comparison articles. They manage to rack up 610 monthly organic traffic.

And in third place, we have listicle articles. For those who might not be aware, these types of articles are the ones that you often come across when you’re looking for the top 10 or top 5 of some category. It could be food, travel, exercise, fashion trends, and more. They manage to get organic traffic of around 315 which is a huge drop from the first and second positions.

Articles that guide the user or posts that explain in detail how to do something take the fourth and fifth position to generate organic traffic.

Then you’ve got articles that discuss in detail how to avoid mistakes and where, what, and why wrapping up the top five list of articles that drive the most monthly organic traffic.

Toward the end of the list, you’ve got articles such as Infographics and those detailing the Best Practices winding up the top 10 list for most popular types of articles.

So as you can see, readers don’t only want variety, they want content that they feel can best benefit them in the long run. But remember, there’s an entire content marketing strategy that you need to follow to attain that organic traffic and keep readers coming back for more.

For starters, social media shares top the list, followed by optimizing your content on top search engines. Thirdly, groups on Facebook and having the right PR relations can really work well in your favor.

Link building, Blogs, and articles in third-party publications are some other ways to better rank your content so you need to be mindful of all this too.

Which Types Of Articles Generate The Most Organic Traffic? This New Research Unveils It All

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