Here's How Social Media Managers Can Cut Down On Screen Time

Screen time not only consumes a lot of charging from a smartphone it also draws a plethora of energy from the person using a particular device. Many social media managers find this loss annoying. In order to control the wastage of resources, one should be careful when it comes to spending time online.

With the arrival of a new year, people are attempting to build new and healthy habits, and are focused on self-reformation decisions that will have an extended positive impact. Among these, things to think about is finding a balance between work and life and making sure that work doesn’t consume all of your thoughts and time. This poses a challenge for social media managers in particular.

It’s difficult to resist checking your phone at every commercial break, isn’t it? To avoid monitoring and making sure that you’re up-to-date when you always have a smartphone with you. However, the quick speed of the internet has transformed the way our brains operate, shortening our attention spans and causing us to constantly feel Fear Of Missing Out.

Many of us desire to spend less time on screens, but doing so might seem hard for those of us whose professions require us to use social media. According to ominous figures compiled by Giraffe Social Media:

1. People worldwide spend 6 hours, and 58 minutes every day in front of a screen.

2. Since 2013, the average daily screen usage has climbed by five minutes.

3. The average daily screen time for Generation Z is nine hours.

Therefore, it is important to think about if you should limit your screen time to offer your brain rest or prioritize other activities, such as book reading or spending time with loved ones. The team at Giraffe Social has has compiled a list of suggestions to assist you in outlining a more sensible strategy for your digital consumption, which could be helpful. It could be something you should consider in the process.

Take a look at these easy tips to reduce your screen time.

1. Planning Time Away: Establish periods during the day when you don’t pick up your phone or if you want to go nuclear, look at any displays. For instance, don’t scroll during your lunch breaks!

2. Arrange Daily Limits: Take use of the app-timer function on the most current smartphone! Set boundaries for the apps you frequently use to scroll mindfully.

3. Charge Elsewhere: We are all aware that looking on social media right before bed might make us feel sleepy the next day. Leave your phone charging someplace else overnight rather than bringing it into the bedroom.

4. Limit Notifications: Although notifications might be beneficial, push notifications also have the ability to sway us from “focus mode” into “scrolling mode.” Spend a few minutes going through and erasing any pointless alerts that might otherwise keep your phone chiming all day.

Read next: Has Time Online Reached Its Limit?
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