Researchers Claim Video Game Addiction Leads To Poor Psychological Performance

The world of video games is a popular activity for many users around the globe. But did you know the hazards that come with an addiction linked to the ordeal?

Well, most of us aren’t even aware of the fact that we could be addicted to video games or the risks that are attached. But thanks to a new study published, the world is gaining more knowledge on the matter.

Common effects include poor psychological performance like the inability to regulate emotions correctly and even response inhibition in some cases. And that’s just the start of indicators for risks of gaming disorders out there today.

As with any other activity, overuse or overindulgence comes with its fair share of drawbacks and serious impacts. Online gaming disorders were included in the recent manual published linked to mental disorders. It spoke about uncontrollable gaming which really affects an individual’s ability to engage in the social world, carry out daily functions, or even study appropriately.

The study even goes as far as understanding some striking differences in mental performance among individuals at high or low risk for the disorder.

This particular research comes to us by Shuai Wang and respective colleagues who included 57 high-risk individuals for gaming disorders and 52 low-risk ones in their sample size. The samples were mostly males and there were specific criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Moreover, the samples were asked questions regarding demographics, intelligence, impulsiveness, and response inhibition through means like eye-tracking.

The results proved how those with a higher risk for internet gaming disorders had lower emotional regulation, scored low on tasks linked to eye tracking, and had higher impulsiveness too. Moreover, those at high risk also proved to have greater game usage than those at a lower risk.

The reason why this study is being hailed is linked to the fact that it carefully evaluated the huge differences between people that were at a higher risk and those who were not for the online gaming disorder. Keeping all of this in mind, there are a few limitations worth noticing that the researchers face and outline in the end.

One of them had to do with the fact that the risk for the condition was measured through a scale administered at a single point in time. And that may lead to issues of bias and not provide a proper picture of gaming usage. In addition to that, the sample size was quite small and skewed as it entailed mostly males.

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