Indian consumers are facing dangerous scams after filing complaints on social networks

Indian users these days are being targeted by scammers on social media platforms (particularly Twitter) as they file complaints regarding any of India’s biggest brands like Flipkart, state-run Indian railways, and numerous banks.

According to Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL), this scam earmarks Indian users who take to social media to file a complaint. The scammers would start the scam after finding out the poor affectee’s contact information like the Phone number on which they would send the file containing malicious content. Firstly, they check and see Twitter users who are looking to get refunds from any sort of experience they might have had with a company like Indian Railway Catering and Tourism corporation. Then after the consumers have filed their complaints they are then sent a file containing malevolent content for them to download under the guise of officially filing a complaint.

They would send APK files that would contain spiteful stuff alongside Google Forms which they would ask them to fill out to register their complaint. The Google form would ask for sensitive information like bank account credentials and CVCs. If the user would not give the information asked for, the scammers would resort to different tactics to lure the consumer into revealing information.

The aforementioned APK files would have names like IRCTC “customer.apk", "online complaint.apk" or "complaint register.apk” so that the consumers would be tricked into believing that these were the proper websites for registering their complaints.

According to CRIL, the scammers were a group of people with financial motivations that were discovered in late 2020 but it was only now that they started focusing on social media users. It was also said that these scammers were based in India.

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