New Study Says Game Developers Are Focusing More On PCs And Laptops

A new study is shedding light on video game developers and their trends in terms of game production. And that’s when it was revealed how many professionals in the field were focusing a lot more on desktops and laptops than anything else.

As of this year in May, most of the production was proven to center around PCs, where figures rose to as much as 80%. As far as console and smartphone device games were concerned, the figure was nearly half. It stood at 40%.

Trends in the gaming industry have proven how there is a decline in the sales of consoles and the industry happens to be struggling with the current economic situation too. This coupled with issues in the supply chain and great concerns linked to inflation has really taken a toll on the industry. And that’s why there’s a small opening in the world of PC gaming.

Here is where gamers get the chance to play on their PCs and their laptops. The products are definitely something they already own and so it’s definitely going to see a spike in demand during these troubling times.

This also gives rise to the understanding that gamers need to think outside the box and get on board with multiple streams of revenue such as ads or even an option for subscriptions.

This particular report comes after data collection from Perforce and it took into account statistics from August 2022. Around 300 gaming professionals were included in the study from the world between January to May of this year.

It’s interesting to note how 35% of those included in the study worked for some sort of gaming studio while 34% didn’t. The latter worked in places other than the gaming industry but did have their solar gaming projects. Others included the likes of studio owners and a few were contractors of such studios.

Via: Perforce.
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