57% of People Hit Snooze on Their Alarms, Says New Study

Lots of people set up alarms to wake them up at the right time, but in spite of the fact that this is the case a majority of them seem to be pressing the snooze button with all things having been considered and taken into account. Medical professionals recommend against hitting the snooze button because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up reducing the quality of your sleep, but a study from the University of Notre Dame suggest that people don’t seem to be acting on sound medical advice.

According to the Center for Disease Control, about a third of Americans are sleep deprived. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that hitting the snooze button might have a role to play in that. Interestingly, the rate of females pressing snooze on their alarms was fifty percent higher than that of men. That suggests that women are getting lower quality sleep than might have been the case otherwise.

The subset of people who were involved in this survey were all adults who worked white collar jobs, which means that they have likely gotten used to the grind and the concept of waking up on time. It would have been reasonable to assume that they would be better equipped to wake up without having to delay their alarms, but regardless a majority of them admitted that they do hit snooze in order to get some extra sleep.

The numbers will likely be much higher for individuals who live more stressful and less privileged lives. It comes as no surprise that women are more likely than men to hit snooze, since they have historically been underprivileged and continue to be in some ways. That suggests that underprivileged communities such as people of color might be getting even less sleep, and there is no telling what the stats might look like for teenagers who might be struggling to figure out their schedule and are not experienced enough to be disciplined about waking up.

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