Phishing Emails Increased by 88% Month Over Month, Here’s Why That Should Worry You

The variety of malicious activities that can result in you losing private data or access to online accounts has widened over the years, and VadeSecure just released a report that sheds some light on the true extent of these attacks. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that email continues to be the most popular mechanism for delivering malware or initiating any other kind of cyber attack based on this research.

While emails containing malware were declining, they have increased by 29% month over month. This has resulted in 22.4 million malware containing emails being sent out over the course of a single month. Meanwhile, phishing attacks conducted through emails have increased by a massive 88% month over month. That is the highest increase in phishing emails that has been seen thus far, and it indicates that the problem might get worse over the next few months.

Many types of malware that were on the decline after 2021 have seen a huge resurgence with all things having been considered and taken into account. For example, a malware known as Emotet that was thought to be neutralized back in 2021 has seen a 44% increase in attack volume with these attacks mainly focusing on users on the European mainland.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, Emotet attacks continue to decline in North America which highlights the region specific nature of such attacks. In India, over 9,000 users were targeted by emails that contained spyware. These emails disguised themselves as tax communiqués because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making users more likely to click on any links they contain and fill out information without questioning it.

Massive corporations like Maersk are being frequently impersonated by threat actors, with over 8,00 New Zealand based users being impacted by attacks that used Maersk’s name in the email subject line. Users need to remain on guard lest the problem continues to spiral out of control.
Read next: This Research Reveals the Massive Problem of Password Fatigue
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