Google Research Comes Up With A Mind-Blowing Image Noise Reduction Feature Powered By AI Technology

The great thing about the digital world is how it continuously evolves as we speak. And believe it or not, each passing day brings forward something more innovative than the rest.

If you’ve got some great lighting and a professional photographer at hand, you’ll definitely be treated to some decent-looking images. And that’s true even if your camera isn’t the best device out there. But if the lighting is poor, well, so will the results.

The same thing goes for digital noise when you’re shooting stills using nothing but a smartphone. The more the noise, the more the clutter, and the end result is just poor.

But what if we told you that Google Research has devised a great new tool that can combat all of this? This happens to be the case with Google Research's latest tool that comprises an image noise reducer, powered by AI technology. And from what we’re hearing so far, it’s a mind-blowing tool that’s been discovered.

It’s a great open-source project that’s getting plenty of raving reviews as we speak. It’s titled MultiNerf and we feel that things could finally be changing for the better.

The algorithms are seen running on data obtained from raw images and this combined with AI magic really sets the stage for something brilliant. See, the tool decides and showcases what a particular video appears like without the disturbances seen with noise that gets generated from image sensors.

If you happen to be just as excited as us with the news, well, we’d like to inform you that this is still in the making. The product is undergoing its research phase and is nowhere near to being launched just yet.

Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. We love how the developments are already causing wild excitement in the digital world.

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