LinkedIn Is Adding New Creator Tools And Working On An Innovative Explore Tab

LinkedIn seems to be on a roll. The company is working on a few new updates and each one sounds pretty exciting if you ask us.

For starters, the company is working on adding a new tool for its creators which is reportedly called “Follow on LinkedIn”, as reported by Nima Owji.

The whole concept behind the idea seems to revolve around providing creators with personalized links or perhaps even a cool button. Therefore, users will automatically be following the creators, right after they press on it!

The handy tool is being looked upon as a great way to enable creators to reach out to their audiences faster and more effectively. Did we mention the great amount of convenience being added on users’ part too?

Next, LinkedIn seems to be busy at work with another new feature called the ‘Explore’ Tab. The company hopes to use this as a new launch to allow its users to explore a number of insightful things outside their LinkedIn network.

For now, things still appear to be in the experimentation phase. And we believe it’s going to be a while until we see it actually get released. But until then, we’re just admiring how the app is going the extra mile to bring more diversity to its platform

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