New Study Shows Most People Don’t Know How Big Tech Uses Their Private Data

Most people are already aware that using any kind of free service on the internet usually means that their data is going to end up in the hands of Big Tech. Many are also concerned by that because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up infringing on their basic rights to privacy, and a recent survey by SurfShark revealed how important it is for people to gain control of their data.

90% of the people that responded to this survey said that privacy was important to them, although one out of every three people that felt this way also felt that getting high quality services trumped their need for online security. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 81% of the respondents to this survey stated that they wanted more knowledge regarding the various ways in which Big Tech uses their data, with 48% saying that they don’t know how it currently gets used.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that there are a few confusing statistics that can be gleaned from this survey. Firstly, 70% of respondents stated that their online privacy was something that they worried about, but in spite of the fact that this is the case 50% said that they felt safe while surfing the web. This contradiction might be a result of them using privacy tools in order to feel safer, though.

According to this survey, 63% of respondents said that they used some kind of an antivirus tool. What’s more is that 39% use an ad blocking extensions or software, and 36% use password managers which can be crucial for generating unique and impossible to crack passwords that can then be stored in a secure enough space. However, another thing to note is that 12% of respondents don’t use anything to protect their privacy online at all with all things having been considered and taken into account.

While 32% of respondents felt that exchanging their security for quality services seemed like a reasonable enough trade off, a greater proportion or 43% to be precise felt that privacy was the most essential thing for them. 52% of users also felt that there are ways to use the internet without having to sacrifice their privacy or personal data, and there are definitely several tools that can help you do so.

82% of the users that are aware of their privacy rights use tools to protect it online, so it stands to reason that increasing awareness would create a lot of progress in this regard. Users need to be made aware of the privacy pitfalls of using various social media platforms, because failing to educate them will result in them turning into little more than products for social media companies to sell. No one can go completely offline to protect their privacy, so they need to learn about what their rights are and what tools they can use to safeguard it from major tech companies that want to violate this privacy to harvest valuable data. Take a look at below charts and infographics for more insights user attitudes towards privacy in 2022.
How people see their privacy in 2022 - infographic
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