This New Report Reveals the State of the Influencer Economy

Influencers have become a powerful force in their own right, and this has allowed them to become a key component of the marketing industry as well as becoming content creators that have a wider impact for the most part. The manner in which influencers can earn their money tends to change slightly year over year, and the demographics of who is actually entering the influencer game tends to change on a more or less regular basis as well.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Izea has just released some reports that talk in great detail about how much influencers are earning these days. Another thing that this report tries to highlight is the level of equality that can be seen in the influencer industry, and the thing that many people would note after looking at this report is that things appear to be moving in the right direction in that regard.

White Americans tend to dominate various aspects of society, but in the world of influencers it seems that people of color are succeeding a lot more with all things having been considered and taken into account. According to this report, Asian Americans ended up earning 37% more than their White counterparts, with African Americans and other non-white minorities earning more than them on average per post as well. The only ethnic minority in America that does not earn as much as white influencers is that of Hispanic Americans and even there the difference is minimal to say the least.

One more aspect of the influencer industry that seems to be rather interesting to look into is the fact that 83% of influencer transactions go towards female influencers. This is definitely a very high number and it reveals how much women can dominate in this market to a pretty massive extent, but it should also be noted that there has been a slow yet gradual shift in the opposite direction. The total share that female influencers get has been decreasing, and 83% is the lowest share they have gotten since 2015.

A rather unique trend that can be seen in this report is that influencers who are senior citizens are actually in high demand. They get the highest payments per post out of all age brackets, and they earn triple the amount per post that influencers between the ages of 45 and 54 tend to receive. Also, Caucasian Americans received 57% of the deal flow in the influencer industry which is lower than their 58% share of the total American population, something that happened for the very first time in 2021.

All of these statistics show that the influencer industry is markedly different from a demographic perspective than any other industry currently out there. The most important thing to take into account is that it is definitely something that marketers are paying good money for. Average payments to influencers grew in 2021, and what’s even more incredible is that celebrities who have long been the highest paid influencers saw their average payment per post decrease to $6,486 from $7,753 last year.

Hence, the growth in the influencer industry appears to be one of the most socially equitable phenomena in recent memory. Smaller creators are getting increasingly popular, and many of them are women of color which is a societal group that has been thoroughly disenfranchised and oppressed not all that long ago. The rise of video through TikTok and YouTube has resulted in video based content becoming the most highly paid form of content that influencers can look into, and chances are that they would be interested in making the most of it in the coming years. New entrants into this industry are in store for a somewhat positive career outlook.

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