Stalkerware tools are revealing private information of thousands of users and they are unaware of it

The malware that is attacking a lot of people nowadays is due to rivalries between different countries. These potential hacking tools can easily hack anybody’s iPhone/Android device without letting them know. Most of the time, government/intelligence bodies utilize these aspects to attack certain groups of people for their benefits.

Just as this one, there is another type of hacking software that exploits normal individuals and is operated by ordinary people too. This kind of spyware is frequently advertised as a children tracking tool however, the potential aim of this spyware is to track and spy the activities of other people in the houses without even their agreement. If a stalker has access to a person's phone, he can secretly download the stalkerware apps and hack everything that’s in the phone. An interesting fact is that the apps will be locked and a person cannot see them on the main screen but they can hack all the call records, internet history, pics, videos, and everything without even knowing the user.

Usually, these spyware programs are specifically developed for Androids rather than for iPhones as iOS has more security on what apps are being installed and getting access to data. Whereas, on Android these malicious apps can be installed easily.

Back in October, TechCrunch exposed a security flaw that is threatening the personal data of thousands of users. However, in this situation, it is not simply one spyware software that is revealing people's phone data. It's a swarm of Android malware apps that all have relatively similar safety flaws.

The system of spyware makes it impossible for people to even know that their phone contents are compromised. TechCrunch is now exposing the functionality of spyware program to aware people so they uninstall any suspected app themselves.

The agenda as discovered by TechCrunch is handled by a few coders in Vietnam but the security concern has not been resolved till now. It is astonishing that the spyware doesn’t consist of a single program,instead a variety of programs are involved in this namely Copy9, MxSpy, TheTruthSpy, iSpyoo, SecondClone, TheSpyApp, ExactSpy, FoneTracker, and GuestSpy.

However, due to the hazards related to thousands of people, TechCrunch cannot disclose the specifications about the issue as the solution is not decided.

For now, it’s uncertain when the issue will be resolved. Till then, researchers has provided a solution through which people can remove these spyware apps themselves if they feel safe enough. If any spyware app is there, the phone would get warmer or run slowly even when not in use. On removing the apps, the creator would get a warning and that might be a dangerous situation. As the guide provided by TechCrunch, only the spyware apps will get deleted, not the other apps.

The guide consists of a checkpoint and following the guide step wise will help people to secure their phones from spyware apps.

Illustration: Freepik

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