Here’s Why People Are Mad About WhatsApp’s Contact List Update

WhatsApp has been making quite a few changes here and there because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing it to remain competitive in an increasingly saturated instant messaging market. A lot of these changes have made it so that people can take advantage of WhatsApp on their laptops instead of having to download the app on their phone, and making WhatsApp accessible through desktop without requiring an app might just be the best change that the platform has made so far.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that not all of the changes that WhatsApp is making are going over well with people. The most recent change that has been noted involved a major change with regards to the kind of contact list that you would see if you tap that option on WhatsApp.

The old contact list was a standard list that was arranged and organized in a more or less alphabetical manner with all things having been considered and taken into account. The updated contact list is quite different, with WhatsApp adding two new sections to the space.

The first of these two sections is a Frequently Contacted list in which your most contacted WhatsApp accounts will be displayed. Underneath this users will noticed a Recently Contacted section which will obviously show you any and all users that you recently messaged through the platform.

Most users seem to hate this new layout, but suffice it to say that it provides so much efficiency that they are likely going to get used to it sooner rather than later. It’s not uncommon for changes to evoke such a strong response only for users to get accustomed to them and forget what the layout even looked like previously. The fact that this change has already been implemented on iOS for a while now will likely make this an easier pill for various annoyed WhatsApp users to swallow, especially since it is one of the more useful updates that WhatsApp has recently tried to roll out.


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