LinkedIn introduces two really cool features in its Creators Mode which will help users in their growth on the platform for the better

LinkedIn a platform where job seekers and recruiters meet on the same ground is trying out new updates and features to make its platform more active and beneficial for its users.

Among such changes, the company is introducing two new features in its 'Creators Mode.'

The first feature among the two is that the social firm is now providing Creator mode users the accessibility towards a LinkedIn Live option.

So what is LinkedIn Live?

LinkedIn Live was a way to interact and broadcast with the followers on the app, however, initially the ability was only given to certain users who fit a certain criterion with members or pages have 150 followers or so. However now creator’s mode users will have the reach to LinkedIn Live as well giving them a chance for a better growth and exposure on the app. This feature will allow users to broadcast with their audience, share videos which will reach masses ultimately increasing their presence and approach on the app.

This Live video feature is beneficial because LinkedIn has stated that its Live feature see a lot times more reactions. comments and reach than normal videos. So if you’re looking for a way to grow this might be your best bet.

Another update which the company is introducing is giving Creator mode users a way to utilize newsletters.

Whenever users will post an article or content on newsletters their audience or followers will automatically be alerted or notified about it. The content they post will also give their followers and viewers an outlook on their state of thoughts and how they approach the world.

This is a great feature and will definitely help users in Creators Mode to expand more.

The company hasn't launched this mode of service a long time ago, however, with the success its reaching and the advancements the company is bringing in it we are sure we will be seeing some massive new updates in the future as well.

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