Android users may not be planning on switching to the new soon to be introduced iPhone range like they do every year

While Apple has been leading the mobile phone market with its amazing range of iPhones and amazing features which eventually attracts more users from Android to their mobile set, things do not look the same this year for the company.

Apple is known to gain new users every year who switch from their Android phones to the Cupertino giants own range of mobile phones, however this year when SellCell conducted a survey of 5000 US consumers currently owning an Android and asked them how likely will they be switching to the new iPhone 13 that will soon be launched, the majority of the answers came back negative.

Only 18.3 percent of the users stated that they do plan on switching to the new iPhone range and considering the percentage of users switching to iPhone 12 same time last year was 33.1 percent, these are indeed some surprising insights.

The loss in percentage of users not willing to switch wasn't because of just one factor but it was because of a bunch of reasons combined. The main reason starting off was the absence of Touch ID because if which 31.9 percent users denied switching to the new iPhone. The best part about iPhones is their Touch ID feature which lets you unlock your phone and even add passwords to your accounts just by inserting your finger print, however in the newer versions of iPhones the touch ID was replaced by a Face ID. Don't get is wrong the Face ID is a great feature too and its security is as reliable as the Touch IDs but the drawback came because of the pandemic and the use of mask.

During these times when people are always wearing a mask when outside, removing your mask just to unlock your phone in public can be unsafe. However, with a mask the Face ID can't recognize you and because of this Touch ID is preferred over the face one.

Apple's new CSAM scan was another factor because of which 10.4 percent of users were hesitant to switch because Apple scanning their images before inserting them into their cloud ID made people a little uncomfortable and self-conscious.

Other minor factors which added up for the percentage of denial were the limited customizing on iOS, Android having a better hardware system than iPhones and side loading application restrictions on iPhone.

However, while the percentage of users not switching had their reasons, other users who plan on switching to iPhones were drawn to it because of these amazing features by iOS.

Apple has a longer software support, the tech giant’s ability to provide its users with the best privacy and ecosystem integration are the three main reason a lot of users do plan on switching to the new range of iPhones.

Let's see how well the new iPhone 13 does and what new features does it brings with itself.
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