With the internet becoming increasingly popular in the 1990s, people from all over the world jumped onto the world wide web, many websites, online businesses and platforms opened up. The internet surely made life easier for almost all of us, looking back at the times we had no internet really makes us appreciate this invention. The internet sure has its advantage however with its increasing popularity a lot of bad actors jumped onto it and have been trying to harm users all over the world.
Scamming people on the internet has been pretty common for a long time now, scammers usually look for sensitive information such as private data, passwords, credit card/bank account details etc. so that they can make a good amount of money. Nowadays scammers can be found almost everywhere, be it famous social platforms or websites, scammers use a variety of different techniques to actually get people to fall into their trap.
When looking at the list of techniques that scammers use, we surely can figure out that they sure do know how to manipulate people into falling for their traps. For most scammers it’s the human emotions that works, they usually target people based on the thing that they are interested in and use that thing to make them fall for the scam. With increase in the number of internet users each year, the number of internet scams and the amount lost to them increases. If you are someone that actively uses the internet and visit multiple sites then you might be at risk of falling for a scam, to keep you safe we have brought you details of a few popular scams that people have been falling for in the last few months.
As per a recent analysis of NortonLifeLock, the most common type of scam on the internet nowadays is ‘Phishing’, Phishing as the name suggest is the fishing/stealing of data from your device, scammers then use the stolen data in harmful ways. The most common ways people fall for Phishing is through downloading unknown files or inputting private information on untrusted websites. Scammers while pulling of this scams are recently playing with human emotions by promising users a reward once they enter their personal information. Scammers do this while disguising as famous online businesses such as Amazon or Microsoft, so the next time you get a pop up that offers you an unrealistic reward for putting in private information, you should definitely close it.
Another technique used by phishing scammers is using desires and fears to get the best of people, most of the time scammers use things such as weight, money or other such things to lure people to give them personal information. Examples include ads that guarantee a weight loss technique once you put in your credit card information.
Another scam that is pretty common these days in the gaming industry is the use of cheats and cracked games amongst gamers. Gamers download these cheats and games from unknown and untrusted websites. Once downloaded these games and hacks asks the user for multiple information access and mostly for the sake of a greater reward, gamers agree to access request without properly reading them first. This infects their computer systems and also makes their personal information vulnerable. If you are a gamer that downloads games and hacks from unknown sources, then we would suggest you to immediately stop.
Scamming people on the internet has been pretty common for a long time now, scammers usually look for sensitive information such as private data, passwords, credit card/bank account details etc. so that they can make a good amount of money. Nowadays scammers can be found almost everywhere, be it famous social platforms or websites, scammers use a variety of different techniques to actually get people to fall into their trap.
When looking at the list of techniques that scammers use, we surely can figure out that they sure do know how to manipulate people into falling for their traps. For most scammers it’s the human emotions that works, they usually target people based on the thing that they are interested in and use that thing to make them fall for the scam. With increase in the number of internet users each year, the number of internet scams and the amount lost to them increases. If you are someone that actively uses the internet and visit multiple sites then you might be at risk of falling for a scam, to keep you safe we have brought you details of a few popular scams that people have been falling for in the last few months.
As per a recent analysis of NortonLifeLock, the most common type of scam on the internet nowadays is ‘Phishing’, Phishing as the name suggest is the fishing/stealing of data from your device, scammers then use the stolen data in harmful ways. The most common ways people fall for Phishing is through downloading unknown files or inputting private information on untrusted websites. Scammers while pulling of this scams are recently playing with human emotions by promising users a reward once they enter their personal information. Scammers do this while disguising as famous online businesses such as Amazon or Microsoft, so the next time you get a pop up that offers you an unrealistic reward for putting in private information, you should definitely close it.
Another technique used by phishing scammers is using desires and fears to get the best of people, most of the time scammers use things such as weight, money or other such things to lure people to give them personal information. Examples include ads that guarantee a weight loss technique once you put in your credit card information.
Another scam that is pretty common these days in the gaming industry is the use of cheats and cracked games amongst gamers. Gamers download these cheats and games from unknown and untrusted websites. Once downloaded these games and hacks asks the user for multiple information access and mostly for the sake of a greater reward, gamers agree to access request without properly reading them first. This infects their computer systems and also makes their personal information vulnerable. If you are a gamer that downloads games and hacks from unknown sources, then we would suggest you to immediately stop.
The researchers at Norton have also shared some insights on unseen threats that you should be aware of:

While scams on the internet are constantly increasing, the best way to avoid them is by being aware and spreading awareness about different scams.
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