Norway Cracks Down on Unrealistic Beauty Standards Preached by Instagram and TikTok Influencers

With the growing popularity of celebrities like the Kardashians and more than allocated time to Instagram as a courtesy of pandemic, there has been a huge increase in an attempt to match the size 0 figure, bigger breasts, and increased demand for silicone implants.

Alongside an increased demand for processes and equipment to look perfect, beauty brands have campaigned for the past decade amassing extraordinary wealth by exploiting the need to look perfect.

This exploitation was continued by Instagram and TikTok users where edited photographs were uploaded in lieu of campaigning for brand deals.

At a time where social media influencers are looked up to and appreciated for their activities, such unrealistic standards of beauty troubled those who are not privileged enough or have bodies that are construed to be imperfect by society.

One of the first countries to crack down on these exaggerated standards is Norway, a nation that prides itself on its people's happiness.

Norway's actions were introduced as an amendment to the Country's 2009 Marketing Act. The amended clause highlights the point that influencers on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are required to attach a government-issued label to any edited or retouched photos.

The Norwegian King will soon announce the enactment of this policy as per the majesty's discretion. The policy further states that any sort of filter or editing that alters an individual’s body, size, or skin will need to be labeled as such.

This amendment will soon be turned into a law and those who overstep the bounds established by it will face hefty fines, imprisonment, or both. This sends a strong message against all influencers that use brand deals and alterations to gain followers and sell the brand.

Even though this law is only in Norway, other countries are constantly being reminded by advocacy groups and public representatives of the depressing content that circulates social media. The severity of this was highlighted by the Royal Society for Public Health back in 2017. The study conducted by RSPH brought to the limelight the detrimental side effects that Instagram has on the mental wellbeing of young children. It went on to state that the use of Instagram at young ages may lead to depression and acceptance of circumstances and in extreme cases a person's own body.

This step by Norway is applauded and praised for being at the right time. Norwegian Influencer's and the audience appreciated the gesture and have started to show hope for a better future for their teens and social media as a whole. This step also brought to the limelight different countries and called them to bring in efforts similar to that of Norway.

Read next: Are Social Media Platforms Legally Responsible for What Their Users Post?

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