Google Chrome is updating its security by adding an HTTPS-only toggle with the new version

Since the world is out to achieve better tech, Google is making sure to give its users the most secure environment it can. To date, we all know that Google has been encouraging websites to change their addresses from HTTP to HTTPS. Google Chrome's very new update secures this demand in place by offering an HTTPS-Only mode which would make non-HTTPS websites unavailable to users when enabled.

If we were to take a trip down the memory lane, it would be discovered that HTTP was then used to mark sites as secure while HTTPS was only for exclusive websites that required extra protocol. Ever since Google started to change the format little by little until now when HTTP is considered to be an 'unsafe source' for browsing.

Chrome will not only encourage users to change the setting but also warn users about sites using the HTTP address. The new change is brought about by the change in the coding of the browser. The change is going to be implemented on all operating systems.

To access the feature, once it will be rolled out, you simply need to head out to security and privacy settings where you will find it in the advanced option (or you can access it from here chrome://settings/security). Where, you will be able to spot an option labeled as ‘always use secure connection’ which when toggled on, will enable the setting. By default, the setting will be impaired.

However, when you do turn on the setting, your browsing options will be enclosed in a box since you will then be only able to access sites with the HTTPS versions since Chrome will upgrade all sites to the HTTPS version - those who do have such a version.

You will still be able to find the HTTP sites but only when you enter the HTTP:// URL in the search box, which will then be followed by a warning pop-up box. The same procedure will be followed by sites that are either outdated, still using the HTTP version, or cannot be changed due to some technical issue.

Once you let such a site pass by the security system, Chrome will automatically remember the site so that you won’t be bothered by the question box over and over again.

Google also set out to increase its security a while back by 'threatening' users to update their versions to prevent anything bad from happening after the 'zero-day ' exploit was revealed.

Chrome is still working on developing this feature so we do not know when it will roll out for stable version. It is for sure, however, that we will soon be able to access it along with the new versions coming soon. And if you are interested in checking the feature in action all you need is a Chrome Canary browser and this flag chrome://flags/#https-only-mode-setting. After enabling the HTTPS-Only Mode Setting you can enjoy this feature.

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