Facebook’s net worth surges to $1 trillion as the company takes control of more ground

According to yesterday’s market reports, Facebook is now reportedly among the list of companies with the highest net worth, ranging around a trillion dollars.

Facebook has been slowly taking over the world of social media by acquiring some of the largest platforms, starting with Instagram in 2012, then Whatsapp and Oculus in the same year - 2014. To estimate the expense, Facebook spent an average of $22 Billion on these three companies alone, with Whatsapp worth $19 Billion.

To be exact, the company currently is worth an exact figure of $1.008 Trillion while Twitter has a net worth of $35 Billion only. It is obvious that Facebook has much more employees, amounting to 58.6K while Twitter has managed to hire only 5.5K people, but of course, it is a direct result of the workload invested in both platforms in regards to their size.

Since Facebook has introduced and bought off some of the most influential platforms like Messenger, Instagram, and Whatsapp, it only makes sense that it is one of the leading companies to date. According to The Verge, it is indeed a network of social networks.

It is also notable that Facebook was founded in the early 2000s while most other leading brands with such diversity were introduced way before which makes Facebook one of the youngest companies to have such a large user-base.

The company has been through highs and lows trying to climb this mountain of success and we have to admit, it did not seem like a smooth ride. While Facebook is one of the leading and most influential brands, it also has the highest amount of allegations questioning the company's morality. Most of these come from authentic sources with enough witnesses and proof to deem them worthy.

Facebook was involved in a privacy scandal a while ago where companies claimed that the major platform used consumer data to glorify its marketing schemes without the knowledge of the users. Since the opposition also published a rather extensive paper on the company's wrong-doings, there was little left to be said in defense.

Facebook's most recent scandal involved it being claimed a 'monopoly' however the ruling turned out to be in favor of the platform. Facebook was being demanded to unravel Whatsapp and Instagram acquisitions however the judge in charge deemed the demands unnecessary, stating the evidence to be insubstantial to label the company with such a heinous denomination.

While we do agree that Facebook has strived hard to reach its position today, we are also quite dubious of the process. Alas, we hope for the best and wish Facebook luck with all of its future trials.

H/T: CNBC / Google.

Read next: FTC Fails to Separate Facebook from Its Acquired Companies After the Court Releases Its Verdict

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