What You Need to Know Working with Influencer Marketing Agencies

If your brand is planning to launch a new product or service through a social media campaign, you don’t have to do it alone. That’s where influencers and influencer marketing agencies come into play! Nowadays, traditional media methods aren’t working like they used to. According to a study from MuseFind, 92% of consumers trust an influencer more than an advertisement or traditional celebrity endorsement. If your brand hasn’t previously worked with influencers before, don’t let the process intimidate you. Instead, join forces with an influencer marketing agency and watch your campaign achieve mass success.

How to Find the Right Influencer Marketing Agency

While they may seem like a monolith, not all influencer marketing agencies are the same. For example, some agencies may handle more of the campaign process than others. Or, some agencies may have different software they use to source influencers. In the end, it all depends on what you’re looking for in regards to your campaign. If you’re in search of an influencer marketing agency that is a pro at targeting young audiences, there are agencies that specialize in reaching Generation Z on new platforms like TikTok. Reaching the right audience is especially important in digital marketing, and one of the most prominent facets of working with influencers.

For brands that want to reach top-performing influencers with high engagement rates that will bring in impressive results, there are high-performing agencies that use data-backed strategies to source those creators. Overall, most agencies will handle the entire campaign process for you from developing the creative strategy to tracking the campaign’s performance and insights. It’s a welcome service especially for those who have clear objectives and creative ideas, but lack experience in the world of social media marketing. The key to finding the right agency for your brand is to figure out your goals and go from there.

How Influencer Marketing Agencies Can Help

As mentioned before, agencies are most helpful in the way that they can handle the entire influencer marketing campaign process for you. Whether it’s sourcing, negotiation, or even coordinating communication with the influencers, agencies can do it all and are a fantastic resource to use. If you’re unfamiliar with the process for running an influencer marketing campaign, let’s break it down:

1. Speak with the Team: Once you choose an agency that offers the best solutions to address your problems and goals, it’s time to brief them on the campaign. Together, you and the agency should outline your main long-term and/or short-term goals, brainstorm creative strategies, and compile a roster of prospective influencers that best fit your brand. A good outline is important for a successful campaign, but it will also ensure that you and the marketing team are on the same page. It’s in everyone’s best interest to work together, and if you find an agency that you really click with, your campaign will reflect that synergy.

2. Outreach to Influencers: After the agency builds a roster of influencers that would best match your campaign, your company should then point out the creators you would be most interested in partnering with and finalize the list. Then, the agency will reach out to those chosen influencers to initiate conversations with them and attempt to negotiate a deal based on your budget. Many agencies provide excellent input in this phase as well. Having worked with influencers on campaigns for multiple brands, agencies are familiar with a wide range of content creators. Working with an influencer marketing agency also means having access to a huge database of influencers ready to work with you. Once they’ve reached out to influencers, the agency will then gain your brand’s approval to contract a specific number of influencers.

3. Content Creation: Here comes the fun part – creating content! Based on your campaign and your brand’s image, the influencers will create a first draft of a social media post that will best attract and engage their followers. Then, they’ll send the posts to the agency who will approve or edit the posts based on your requirements. As soon as the posts are approved, they’ll go live online. Different social media platforms have their specific advantages and drawbacks, so it’s important to pick influencers that work well in the medium you’ve chosen. A great YouTube campaign requires different types of content from a successful TikTok campaign. Luckily, influencers build their brands around these details, so working with creators who are comfortable with their social media platforms means you are already ahead of the game.

4. Amplification: As the agency goes through the influencers’ posts and tracks their insights, they will determine the highest-performing posts and creators to amplify across all channels. Until the campaign wraps up, the agency will continue to track and report on the campaign’s performance. This means that you will receive analytics during and after the campaign. You can use these insights to improve your future campaigns and stay connected with standout influencers who created successful content.

Running a successful social media campaign can be a daunting task for any brand, but you don’t have to stretch your in-house marketing team too thin. Influencer marketing agencies are there for you in order to help you grow, achieve your marketing goals, and build relationships with top-performing niche influencers. With social media growing in popularity and importance, now is the time to partner with an influencer marketing agency and boost your online presence with those who know the industry inside and out.

Illustration: Pikisuperstar/freepik
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