Google Is Currently Testing Dark Mode Across Desktop Search Pages

Google has recently began testing the addition of Dark Mode for Chrome Search pages across desktops.

Dark Mode, also referred to as "Night Mode", for those unfamiliar with the concept, is a feature found across most online media. The feature takes normal, familiar webpages such as YouTube and Reddit, and changes their color schemes to darker shades of color (thus the title Dark Mode), usually variants of black and white. It's very clear to see that such modes arose not as a commodity, but a necessity for our ever-increasing online world. With more and more people participating in extended hours of screen time, dark modes enable such tribulation to be easier on the eyes and not result in headaches and such. While Google subsidiaries such as the aforementioned YouTube have had Dark Mode for quite a while, the incredibly popular search engine had yet to jump on the bandwagon. Until now, at least.

The multibillion dollar company's first foray into Dark Mode happened a few months before this development, in the form of a test run across Android devices with Chrome. While that was fully integrated with a proper update a couple of months later, Google seems to already be testing the feature out on desktops. The test run was pulled in an unannounced color palette swap for random users across Google, and was apparently quickly revoked as well. If you happened to be the lucky user, what you'd have encountered would be something along the lines of a black background, the company logo etched out in white as opposed to its usual multicolor spectrum, search results in blue, and usually black text in grey. The test feature was rolled out in a form of "A/B Testing", a beta feature technique that usually has two variants of the same web design spread out amongst users to determine which works better. While Google hasn't really taken to the streets with census taking yet, some further news about this has to be in the pipelines.

A notable difference between the mobile and desktop test launches was that across Android devices, the feature would apparently only show for the Chrome app, ignoring other engines such as Opera and Firefox. The desktop feature, however, was accessible across multiple different engines (the exact numbers and names are yet to be disclosed). An interesting choice that probably doesn't mean much, short of encouraging preferential treatment to induce more popularity for the Chrome mobile app.

Google Search is one of the most popular webpages across the world. The fact that its regularly surfed by billions, but has yet to include an official Dark Mode is honestly a travesty. Well, at least Google's doing their best to rectify such an error.

Via: Reddit u/Pixel3aXL.

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