Cybercriminals Are Now Trying To Steal Your Facebook Login Credentials With This Messenger Scam, Don’t Open The Link If You Receive A Message That Says ‘IS IT YOU IN THE VIDEO?’

Many people wonder why hackers are so interested in our online accounts and social media passwords. While these passwords help cybercriminals sneak into the account of one person, they can abuse your personal data or even sell it to someone else. Moreover, if a person is able to access your account, they also get a level of trusted access to your friends and family members. This eventually makes it easier for scammers to pull off their scams.

Cybercriminals can pitch a bogus investment plan or lure a person to a fake sign-in page, or they can also persuade them to submit an application form for a job that does not even exist. Moreover, they also try to lure people into wasting money on useless and overpriced products. It is evident that cybercriminals can easily talk a person into clicking a link if they use a message that apparently came from the account of one of your friends. In such cases, it appears that a friend has sent you a message, but in reality, a cybercriminal has gained access to their account and the hacker is the one who is actually sending you the message.

Naked security published a report on December 18, 2020, claiming that hackers are now trying to steal your login credentials via a Messenger scam. One of the naked security’s readers received a message from a friend via Messenger. The message says, Is it you in the video? If someone receives a similar message from an unknown person, it would surely look bizarre or creepy. However, if you have received this message from a friend, you are most likely to open it.

When the victim clicks on the message, they don’t see any video. Instead, the image links to a URL shortening service, and the victim is redirected to a URL that pops up what appears to be Facebook sign-in page.

However, this site uses HTTP (non secure protoal) instead of HTTPS, and Facebook abandoned HTTP altogether back in the year 2012. This means that any webpage that claims to represent this social media site but does not have HTTPS, is without a doubt a fake one. If you provide your login credentials to the fake sign-in page, there is a short delay. Then, the hackers appear to pick from various other scams and redirect the victim to one of those scams. If you want to avoid such scams, it is recommended that you use Multi-factor authentication, an anti-virus with a built-in web filter.

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