Close All Tabs on Google Chrome for Android With New Button

Close All Tabs on Google Chrome for Android With New ButtonChrome on Android desperately needed to become a little more user friendly, and one of the biggest problems with that particular app was the fact that you ended up getting numerous tabs left open without even knowing that they are there. This is the result of the perils of smartphone interfaces, but it seems like Google is going to be making things a little more user friendly by allowing you to close all of the tabs that are open on your Chrome app with a single button.

It seems like the tab switcher will also be getting an update according to a Chromium bug log that was recently released. While removing all tabs only took two taps before, the fact that it takes one tap now is actually a pretty big deal. This is because of the fact that it will cut the total number of taps used in half, and this can go a long way towards improving the usability of the app and moving it towards a smoother and more intuitive user interface.

Chrome for Android to Get a “Close All Tabs” Feature

This new feature has recently started going live, so it seems like Google is intent on making Chrome as user friendly as possible. While the desktop version has quickly become the gold standard for browsers everywhere, an important thing to note is the fact that the Android version left much to be desired in spite of the fact that Android itself is also owned by Google. This improvement has been a long time coming. It should be noted that this improvement will not be coming to iPhone users of Chrome, at least not yet. The iOS Chrome app is not nearly as good as the Android version, so perhaps an update in that department should come next.

Featured Photo: Thomas Trutschel/Photothek via Getty Images
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