Anonymity on the Internet: The State Of Virtual Private Network Usage (infographic)

The State of VPN Usage - Statistics and Trends [Infographic]As the internet has become more and more popular since its inception and wide public release, people have gotten increasingly smarter about using it. Not only have websites wised up about the various threats that the internet poses, thus making the internet overall a much safer place to be than it was ten years ago, but average users have also started becoming more adept at protecting themselves while they surf even the most uncharted shores of the world wide web.

One of the ways in which people protect themselves on the internet is by setting up a virtual private network, or VPN. This helps you protect your identity while you are on the web because it masks your internet protocol address, thus making it far more difficult for people to figure out your actual location. The importance of this service cannot be overstated, especially since we live in a time where so many malicious government entities are trying to infringe on your personal rights on a regular basis. Provided below is an infographic designed to help you better understand the way that VPNs are used, who uses them, and how popular they have become over the years.
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The Popularization of Virtual Private Networks - infographic

Key insights from above visual:

Nearly, 3 in 10 of internet users have used virtual private network in the last 30 days to protect their browsing behavior.

5 in 10 consumers use VPN to access restricted entertainment (adult) content, while 34 percent uses VPNs to access news sites and social media services.

Indonesia, India and Turkey are the top three countries in terms of VPN usage among global internet users.

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