Society has always been very particular about how we are supposed to behave with one another, particularly when it comes to the way we communicate with each other. This is understandable when you think about it, after all society is predicated on the basis of mutual understanding and regard. No one wants to rock the boat, because it could end up backfiring on them tremendously. One of the newer forms of communication in the world is done through smartphones. It forms a huge chunk of our day to day communication, and it impacts the people around us.
Hence, a system of etiquette has formed around the use of smartphones, although since the rules remain relatively unspoken it is important to define them to at least some extent. The infographic below defines how Americans generally use their smartphones, which helps define how they expect others to use them as well. You can use this information to better understand your own smartphone use and attempt to relate to how people wish to communicate with you. A lot of the answers to your questions might surprise you, they certainly will be different from what you were expecting to hear!
Some key takeaways from the visual:
Almost 80 percent Americans think it's not appropriate to read phone while crossing the street or road, yet 49 percent do it anyway.
70 percent people say it's inappropriate to have a smartphone out during a meeting, yet 53 percent says they do it aimlessly (this shows the level of addiction they've).
43 percent millennials check their smartphone at least every 20 minutes.

Read Next: What Makes Us Addicted to Social Media: The Psychology Behind Dependence (Infographic)
Hence, a system of etiquette has formed around the use of smartphones, although since the rules remain relatively unspoken it is important to define them to at least some extent. The infographic below defines how Americans generally use their smartphones, which helps define how they expect others to use them as well. You can use this information to better understand your own smartphone use and attempt to relate to how people wish to communicate with you. A lot of the answers to your questions might surprise you, they certainly will be different from what you were expecting to hear!
Some key takeaways from the visual:
Almost 80 percent Americans think it's not appropriate to read phone while crossing the street or road, yet 49 percent do it anyway.
70 percent people say it's inappropriate to have a smartphone out during a meeting, yet 53 percent says they do it aimlessly (this shows the level of addiction they've).
43 percent millennials check their smartphone at least every 20 minutes.
Related: How to Free Yourself From Your Smartphone (infographic)20 percent people check their smartphone at least once every 20 minute at work places, while, another 2 percent say they never put the phone down.

Read Next: What Makes Us Addicted to Social Media: The Psychology Behind Dependence (Infographic)