Infographic: The Science of Winning The Arguments (Every Time)

Arguments are of a normal occurrence in a day to day life. People have opinions, they differ and then they try to convince the other or sometimes, understand the difference. The art of explaining your opinion and making others see your point of view lies in the way that the person endorsing that opinion is capable enough to defend it.

This technique is not something that can be achieved just as is. There is proper science to it, and that science explains how one can achieve results while putting forward their point of views. This can only happen if they are efficient enough for the defense.

First and foremost, you need to know what you are standing against, make sure after knowing your side of the argument perfectly; you know what your opponent is putting forth as their views. This way you will be able to select the pointers that will help in your arguments.

Second your body language, it needs to be friendly as well as compelling. You need to appear as confident as possible, stand, or sit straight, maintain eye contact and make the person in front of you feel like they are contributing to the conversation, rather than making them feel like you're not listening to them.

The words that you communicate with should be powerful yet friendly enough that the person in front of you doesn’t feel threatened but know that your argument holds some ground.

The following infographic is a perfect depiction of the science behind the art of arguments:

How to Win an Argument Every Time (According to Science) - infographic:

Key takeaways from visual

How to engage your opponent in a discussion:

1. Ask them to explain their thought first
2. Make direct eye contact while you listen
3. Reiterate what you understand from what they have said
4. Acknowledge what you can relate to and why.

How to present your point of view:
1. Know your facts thoroughly
2. Use scientific-looking visuals
3. Demonstrate that other people agree
4. Soften the tone of your argument by using 'Hedges'

How to get agreement
1. Dazzle your opponent with 'extreme agreement'
2. Flag your opponent's dangerous beliefs
3. Identify the shared ground between you and give genuine praise

A well-fought argument is a great way to develop ideas and ensure that all sides have a voice. If your points are sound and you know how to make them, there's no reason you won't end up victorious.
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