A decade ago, very few people were exploring the ins and outs of website promotion. Today, there are thousands of courses, books, articles, and other resources that focus on this popular topic. When you promote your website, you’re expecting traffic. Traffic can be transformed into different things such as subscribers and/or sales.
There are now a lot of online marketing strategies that have been developed through the last years. Amongst many traffic generation methods, content marketing is the one that performs the best in terms of organic traffic. SEO for example goes hand in hand with content marketing, because the content you have can make a huge difference in the SERPS positions.
In today’s article we’ll talk about few online promotion strategies that should help understand how to rightly optimize and improve your web business. Let’s begin.
Extremely Qualitative Content on Your Blog
No matter what your promotion strategies are, nothing can be accomplished with poor quality content. First of all, your website’s visitors are not going to enjoy a poorly written copy page, neither will they sign up for more content. Second of all, search engines like Google or Bing will never rank you up if your content is crap.Here’s a good tip: write better content. To give you a quick idea, “good” content means helpful, easy to understand, and actionable information. It should be as detailed as possible. This way your content will solve the reader’s problem, and he’s more likely to appreciate or share it.
There’s a really cool strategy called “the skyscraper technique”. According to this strategy, you can produce amazing content if you’re analyzing and improving the already existent best content on a specific topic. Check the article for more information.
Guest Blogging for Other Blogs
Leaving out the helpful direct click traffic you’ll acquire, guest blogging helps you improve your website’s authority. The backlinks you’ll create hold a great influence over’s Google algorithm, and will help you rank higher in the SERPS.Guest blogging is extremely popular nowadays. Plenty of webmasters choose to outsource writers or write the guest blog posts on their own. If you are a good writer, I’d suggest you start guest blogging immediately. It’s going to help your website in a matter of days, as you’ll get referral traffic from the blogs you submit your articles to.
If writing isn’t your forte, I’d suggest hiring some professional writers. You can use Australian Writings – they’re very professional and deliver good quality content.
Promote Your Content through Social Media
Social media is king nowadays. Every person spends at least few hours a day on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and so on. If you want to boost your website traffic, go where your target audience spends time at. A great way of obtaining good quality traffic for your website is to create a social following.That means creating a page or profile on each of the social networks that you believe it’s suited enough for your website. So if for example you sell clothes, Instagram or Pinterest could be two great choices for your social media marketing campaigns.
Social networks are awesome because you can choose to invest your money into paid advertising or just stick to the organic methods. Either way, you can use it to make your content – and ultimately your online business - more visible on the web.
Do Group and Forum Posting
Here’s another FREE yet very productive website promotion method: community posting. Basically, you are advertising your brand by contributing with helpful information on highly relevant social media groups and forums. Doing so, potential customers will believe the fact that you’re an expert in the topic and will quickly follow you.Start by joining some highly relevant groups — related to your industry. Some forums will allow a public signature that will allow you to promote your website. So every time you’re making a comment on a forum, replying on a thread, your website will show up right under your name, together with something to grab the reader’s attention. It’s a free source of traffic, and it can become really passive after you’ve built your reputation.
Create Amazing Infographics
An infographic is a long picture that contains extremely summarized details such as statistics, key details, and other important data. A well designed and informative infographic is very likely to be shared around on social media. Studies have shown that infographics have way more chances of being distributed than any other type of content.Creating one isn’t that difficult. What’s more difficult is the fact that you have to make it extremely qualitative in order to gain the viewer’s attention. Grabbing the right facts, organizing them in a simple way, and adding the right colors and templates are just a few of the processes you have to perform in order to create an infographic.
If you have the possibility, you can always outsource it and ask a designer to include everything you need. Once you get the hang of it, creating more infographics won’t be an issue. More infographics equals a higher chance that one of them will become viral and drive you tons of traffic.
Bonus Infographic:
How To Promote Your Next Blog

Source: BloggingWizard.
Promoting your website isn’t rocket science. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy either. There’s a lot of work involved, and a lot of strategies and actions must be performed. It’s extremely important that you treat your website promotion with full commitment and dedication; that, of course, if you want to have success with it!
Content is usually the most important part of an online business. If your content is relevant and provides enough value, the other processes should be a piece of cake. Sure, marketing is important – very important, but if you don’t have a quality website which contains quality content, you will never get too far.
Top image: shutterstock
Content is usually the most important part of an online business. If your content is relevant and provides enough value, the other processes should be a piece of cake. Sure, marketing is important – very important, but if you don’t have a quality website which contains quality content, you will never get too far.
Top image: shutterstock