10 Top On-Page Tips To Improve Social Media Marketing Results

10 Top On-Page Tips To Improve Social Media Marketing Results

The best social media marketing campaigns are those that combine both off-page and on-page elements. Creating great content on Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube can help create a buzz, but unless this ties in with effective on-site content that has been optimized to convert, it won’t generate the kind of conversions that your great quality social content deserves.

1 – Analyse Past Content

Analyse your past content, both on-page and off-page, to determine which posts and which content types perform best. The Tweets that have enjoyed the most engagement, YouTube videos with the greatest number of shares, and the blog posts on your page that attract the most interest can be repurposed, updated, and they can be shared more than once across your networks.

It is time to start viewing all of your online channels as a single, unified online presence.

2 – Ensure Your Blog Is Mobile Friendly

Obviously, your site has its own blog. Whether you have the content to post daily, weekly, or fortnightly, you shouldn’t be posting all of your best content to external sites. In the social media era that we operate in, your blog and the rest of your site should be responsive so that it displays on mobile devices, as well as on monitors and other size screens.

As mobile devices have become more powerful and Internet data plans more expansive, it has become increasingly important to have a strong mobile presence.

3 – Post Regular Updates To Your Blog

Having a responsive blog isn’t enough; you also need to be posting regular content and regular updates to your blog. Try to get different teams and individuals involved in the content creation and publication process because this will give you greater coverage, and who knows the different aspects of your business better than those that actually work it.

Regular updates will keep visitors coming back for more, greatly increasing the chances of converting them to sales.

4 – Repurpose And Reshare Your Best Content

Your best posts, infographics, and videos are not necessarily the ones that you expect. Analyse your existing content, and repurpose those posts that generate the most interest and the greatest number of conversions. Turn blog posts that have the most responses into Facebook posts, and vice versa.

Don’t forget to repurpose your Tweets and accompanying social posts at the same time as repurposing the content.

5 – Encourage And Publish Customer Feedback

Crowd sourcing and customer sourcing content is potentially a great way to increase content on your site and to increase visitor engagement. You can install plugins on your site that publish Facebook conversations and content from your other social media channels, and you can open up your site for reviews and other forms of content that you would otherwise miss out on.

Engaged visitors are more likely to want to see your website and business flourish.

6 – Use Infographics… When They Make Sense

Social media loves visual content, and as well as producing and publishing relevant and good quality images, this means that you can utilize videos and infographics to help improve your traffic and conversion rates.

Don’t simply create infographics for the sake of it – take your time to research and plan high quality visual content that users will genuinely benefit from.

7 – Pin It, Like It, Share It

Obstacles that prevent visitors from sharing content socially will detract from the effectiveness of your content marketing and social media efforts. Make sharing the content as simply as possible by incorporating social share buttons.

See which channels are generating the most shares and the most actions and then consider setting up an active profile on these sites.

8 – Connect And Converse

Setting up social media profiles and then automatically publishing the titles of your content and a link is not the best way to optimise your social media marketing efforts. Use sites like Facebook to connect with existing customers, sites like YouTube to share video content and to discuss that content, and try to be active on those profiles that you do establish.

At the very least, you should monitor social media channels to look for brand mentions and discussion around your products, services, and even your employees.

9 – Share Your Content Multiple Times

There are good reasons to share a single piece of content multiple times, but it is a strategy that you should use conservatively. Create a top quality piece of content for your blog, Tweet at various intervals over the course of the day in order to catch people in different time zones, and follow up in a week or a month’s time.

Revisit old content, and post a reminder after several months have elapsed, or if you have content that has become relevant and timely once again.

10 – Reframe Content

There are multiple apps and add-ins that automatically Tweet and post to social media sites using the title of a blog post, but you should be looking for ways to customize your external content to those that will be viewing it. What’s more, most content should contain more than enough take-away and bullet points to reframe that content. This post, for example, could easily be turned into 10 separate Tweets; one for each of the tips listed.

Reframing content enables you to make the most out of every piece of content, and to ensure that your best posts get the traction they deserve.

Create Summit are professional web and print designers. Have an attractive and effective website designed that is perfectly set up for improved social media marketing results.
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