If you are interested in building a personal brand, getting active on periscope might be just what you need to get started. Periscope is a tool that you can use to create live broadcasts using your smartphone. Not only that, your followers can also join you to follow you, and to use your broadcasts as a way to broadcast to their followers as well. You can also view broadcasts from other Periscope users in real-time, or view recent broadcasts. This is the perfect tool for bringing people into your world in a way that is truly authentic. Isn’t that how you want to build your personal brand? Yes! Then let’s get started. Here are 12 important things to know about using Periscope as a tool for building your personal brand.
Start With a Great Title
When first begin filming your broadcast, you will be asked what you are seeing. This is your opportunity to enter a compelling title. Be creative with this! When people are scrolling and looking for live and recent broadcasts, this is what they are going to see. Be compelling and original! This is your hook.Intimacy Matters
Remember that even though this is called a broadcast, Periscope is best used as a tool to allow your followers to get to know you. It’s not a format for presentation where you act as the authoritative lecturer demonstrating your leadership traits. Approach each broadcast as if you are bringing friends along with you. Use a conversational tone, and don’t be afraid to show genuine emotion.You Don’t Need to Follow a Script
Don’t spend too much time planning. This takes away from the authenticity that makes the Periscope experience really cool. You don’t need to be linear with Periscope. In fact, you shouldn’t be. It’s not about showing things in a specific order. It’s about letting people experience something with you. So, if you see something interesting, don’t be afraid to change the direction of your broadcast. It’s those ‘wow! did you see that!’ moments that will earn you the most love.Greet Your Viewers
As you are filming, you will see viewers join your broadcast. This is important. Let them know that you notice they are there. Thank them for joining, and refer to them by name. Don’t worry doing this won’t mess up the flow of your broadcast.Return The Love
When you receive hearts during your broadcasts, that’s your viewers sending you love. Make a mental note of the people who do that. Then, when your broadcast is finished, take the time to follow them, watch their broadcasts and send them love as well. This is essentially the Periscope version of mutual likes and shares.Speak Your Call to Action
When your broadcast is coming to a close, don’t be afraid to throw out a call to action. You’d do that at the end of a blog post or other form of content writing wouldn’t you? Ask your viewers to show you love. Invite them to follow you on social media. Invite people to share. Let them know if your broadcast is going to be uploaded to Facebook, YouTube, or other platform.This is Still Content: Consistency Matters
As with all content, consistency makes a difference. While you don’t need to be quite as consistent as you would with creating podcasts or publishing a blog, you don’t want to post a couple of broadcasts here and there, and then otherwise ignore your viewers. So, create lots of broadcasts, tune into others’ broadcasts, send love, connect on other social media platforms, and get involved in the Periscope community.Give Broadcasts a Behind The Scenes Feel
Remember that the point of Periscope is to give your viewers an up close and personal experience. You’re letting them know the real you, and letting them into your world. This should be reflected in your broadcasts. Focus on letting them see things that they wouldn’t be able to see anywhere else on your social media channels.Interact and Get Feedback
As with all digital marketing, your goal is to create relationships and to get engagement going. In order to do this, you have to interact and ask your followers for their feedback. One of the coolest things about this app is that you can respond to comments live. You can also use those comments to see what your viewers are interested in seeing. The neat thing about this is that your viewers almost become your extra set of eyes. For example, if you are walking down a street, and somebody watching your broadcast notices something, they can point that out to you. Then, you can double back and explore what your missed.Let Followers in on Your Experiences
Think of what you are going to be doing in the next week. Will you be going to a conference or other event? Will you have the opportunity to try out a new restaurant? What about flying into a new city? Every new or interesting experience you have is an opportunity to share who you are with your viewers. Whether you are enjoying your first bite of Ethiopian food, or meeting an admired entrepreneur for the first time, this app is the perfect tool for taking people along with you.Learn From Your Replays
Don’t worry about your first broadcasts being awkward. They will be awkward, and that’s okay. In fact, there can be something a little bit charming in that. However, you do want to be sure and review your videos once they have been completed so that you can catch any mistakes and figure out what things work and what things do not.Be Genuine
Sometimes, being on camera has odd effects on people. For some, it makes them stiff and too formal. As mentioned above, that’s not a good fit for this tool. For others, they may become too perky and enthusiastic, or they may fall into the temptation to be over the top and goofy. Unfortunately, doing any one of these things is off putting for your audience. Remember, they don’t want to see some on camera version of you. They just want to see you.![How to Use Periscope to Build Your Personal Brand - infographic 12 Ways to Use Periscope to Build Your Personal Brand! [Infographic]](https://i.imgur.com/bvrIDiq.jpg)