How Marketers Are Managing The Evolving B2B Buyer's Journey - infographic

How Marketers Are Managing The Evolving B2B Buyer's Journey - infographic
The increasing length and complexity of today's typical B2B sales cycle require marketers to rethink their approach at each stage of the funnel to the maximize marketing effectiveness. Here's an infographic from Eloqua team that looks at some of the challenges marketers face, and some innovative ways they're navigating the changing B2B buying landscape. A key takeaway is: One of the biggest challenges in B2B buyer's journey is that, more than 80 percent of known prospects never open their emails. And the solution for that is: Synchronizing display and social media ad targeting with email nurturing campaigns can result in a 64 percent in additional conversations from known contacts.
How Marketers Are Managing The Evolving B2B Buyer's Journey - infographic

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