20+ Do's and Don'ts of Twitter Etiquette [INFOGRAPHIC]

20+ Do's and Don'ts of Twitter Etiquette [INFOGRAPHIC]
Twitter is quickly becoming a vital social media arsenal for business owners; particularly those who offer services to the public. But like all other marketing channels there are some good ways to approach Twitter in order to build your following and make your presence known. When you are using Twitter for marketing, keep in mind that you are representing the face of your business. Here are some Dos and Don'ts of Twitter etiquette in the infographic by Jameseducationcenter to ensure that you are always representing yourself and your business in the best possible manner.

20+ Do's and Don'ts of Twitter Etiquette [INFOGRAPHIC] - tweeting, posting rules for better social media marketing

Twitter Dos

Use compelling titles when sharing to content.
Share regional news, if your potential clients are regionally based
Shorten links to give yourself more room
Use Hashtags sparingly (3 max per Tweet)
Ask for Retweets! By adding "RT" in your tweet.
Add images and videos.
Give credit (in the form of link or mention) when retweeting or sharing someone else's content.
Encourage discussions.
Respond to your followers.
Use Direct Messages when appropriate.
Give thanks or favorite your posts when they are retweeted.
Keep finding new and relevant profiles to follow.

Twitter Don'ts:

Auto Direct Message every follower, unless you have something valuable to offer.
Over automate: No one wants to follow a robot!
Ignore your followers or those who Tweet about you.
Tweet about everything: No one needs to know what you had for breakfast!

image by: cinquee.it
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