50+ Mind Blowing Twitter Statistics [Infographic]

50+ Mind Blowing Twitter Statistics [Infographic]
Jack Dorsey the founder of Twitter has created this social media giant in 2006. Twitter has grown from a little start-up to 218M monthly active users in the globe. This social network now deals 24K searches and 9k tweets every single second, while 3 new accounts are registering after every two second.

Twitter is all about getting followers, catching people's attention and grabbing a trending hashtag. If you really want to expand your reach use trending hashtags, #ThrowBackThursday or #TBT and #FF or #followFriday are the most popular #tags each week.

Justine Bieber is considered the king of Twitter with 44.4 million followers and 23,400 tweets.
Lets have a look at below infographic (by Masters-in-finance) that will show 50+ mind blowing numbers behind the Twitter and how famous this network really is!
50+ Mind Blowing Twitter Statistics [Infographic]

Indeed social media can be used for businesses, but too much promotion is a big no no here.

Don't sell at the wedding. Use Twitter Strategically, find out the best time to market.

Avoid hashtag that no one else likes to use or go.

Image by: flickr.com/photos/garrettheath


  1. Very useful information as always Irfan. Thanks for sharing. I am most definitely going to adopt these tips.

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