The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Sizes - #infographic

Did you know that tweets with a picture attached will earn up to 150% more retweets, and 85% more likes than a post without an image?

Did you know that 87% of the posts shared on Facebook are photos?

Did you know that the average Pinterest is willing to spend $140-$180 on E-Commerce? (Almost double what you'd make from Facebook).

Not only do images make your website or blog post more SEO friendly, but by sharing images with your social tribe, you share a part of yourself and your business that words might never explain as clearly.

“It can be hard to keep up with the different specifications for multimedia content across each social network (format, aspect ratio, file size). Bookmark this infographic as a reference guide to create smart social content for any channel.”
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, GooglePlus, Vine, Snapchat, Tumblr  - Up-to-Date Guide to Social Media Image Sizes infographic
Infographic courtesy of: spredfast.


More than 1 billion people visit Facebook every day and with 47% of them saying that Facebook has influenced their spending habits, it's a wonder that more business don't have a Facebook. (Fun Fact: millennial customers are 33% more likely to buy something from a business if it has a Facebook page).

Cover Photo - 815 x 315 (Pixels)

Shared Image - 1200 x 1200 (Pixels)

Shared Link - 1000 x 627 (Pixels)


Tweets are 94% more likely to be retweeted if they are uploaded using Twitter's very own uploading program, Tweets that don't get as many shares? They're the ones that are linked to Facebook or Instagram.

Header Photo - 1500 x 500 (Pixels)

Timeline Photo - 1024 x 512 (Pixels)

Profile Picture - 400 x 400 (Pixels)


Pictures with human faces tend to get 38% more likes and 32% more comments. But don't feel like you have to just share selfies all day - show your followers some of your latest project, behind the scenes shots of your business, maybe just your newest favorite iced tea. People respond better to a live person than a stiff business.

Photo - 1080 x 1080 (Pixels, no longer limited to square)

Photo Thumbnail - 161 x 161 (Pixels)

Profile Picture - 110 x 110 (Pixels)


The longer the pin, the better. Pins that have the 'Expand Pin' button will have better clicks as well as shares. Also, remember that people tend to re-pin images that are bright and that don't have any faces in them.

Board Cover - 215 x 145 (Pixels)

Profile Picture - 165 x 165 (Pixels)

Ideal Pin dimensions - 736 x 1128 (Pixels)

Google Plus:

You can use just normal formatted images, or even GIFs if you audience calls for them. Pair your images with #hashtags to get more exposure to your posts.

Cover Image - 1080 x 608 (Pixels)

Profile Picture - 250 x 250 (Pixels)

Shared Photo - 506 Pixels wide


Images on LinkedIn work better as a JPG, PNG, or GIF formats, and shouldn't exceed 10 MB.

Profile Avatar - 500 x 500 (Pixels)

Blog post - 698 x 400 (Pixels)

Company Logo - 400 x 400 (Pixels)

Of course, you want to use high-quality images and images that represent your brand, giving you the best first impression that you can. Using these dimensions will give you best market penetration for your niche and give your potential customers something to remember.

It seems so easy, just formatting an image is somehow supposed to pull in ten of thousands of followers and possible customers, but it does. Just the simple little act of using all of the given space without compromising the image itself is a feat that not many in the internet world have quite figured out.

The first rule of the internet is to create great content and it's so simple to do that through the beautiful images you share one social media. They help break up long text-walls, they help search engines find you, they help other people share your brand, and they're rather easy on the eyes. The proper formatting and timing of your post will dramatically increase your social media presence and increase the chances of finding that new client.
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