Colors Around the World: The Top Color Trends of 2014 - #infographic

Trending colors of 2014 to use in your visual design - #infographic
Using a data set of 40 million images, the teams at ShutterStock has created a nifty infographic that illustrates which hues and hex codes have been the most popular, and which are on the rise in 2014.

Color trends in design:

"Some colors are consistently popular (or consistently unpopular) every year, but other fluctuate over time. Beige, for example, has started to decrease in popularity, while shades of gray have begun to climb in 2014.

Green downloads spiked early this year, thanks to the World Cup and a wide selection of soccer photos. And because of the never-ending growth of the Internet, we've seen an increase in downloads of bright, "social media blue" images. Purple has also risen in the past few months, following a trend set by Radiant Orchid, Pantone's Color of the Year."

Trends always vary by region, and we saw distinct differences in the top colors across the globe. In North America, top colors trended toward green and blue hues, and in Africa  saw reds and oranges surface. Green were also popular in parts of Europe, while pink stood out in Russia, China, and Argentina."

#Infographic: The Top Color Trends Of 2014 - #design
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