Why Businesses Should Implement Social Media Into Their Marketing Strategies - infographic

Why Businesses Should Implement Social Media Into Their Marketing Strategies - infographic
Did you know that, there are approximately 6 Billion user accounts on world's 21 major social media websites and the social media sharing activity is getting double after every 18 months. What if I told you that 17 out of 20 marketers noted a high business exposure due to social networking sites and that, the traffic increase is the 2nd most important benefit gained, 76 reported positive results.
Still not convinced and feel like social media marketing is a fad? And whether or not it's worth your time, effort and money, then check out the below infographic designed by Jason squires online that takes a closer look at 10 reasons why social media may be working better than your imagination and a few examples of small businesses who benefit from it.

INFOGRAPHIC – 10 Reasons Why Small Businesses Can’t Ignore Social Media

image credit: 123rf
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